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Resumen de Desenvolvimento de uma linha de mobiliário por meio de uma metodologia de design centrada no usuário

Fabiano de Vargas Scherer, Beatriz Ribeiro Azolin, Fernando Carlini Guimarães, Guilherme Parolin

  • English

    This paper report and analyze, in the academic context, the application of a Human-Centered Design (HCD,) methodology developed by IDEO, in the development of a line of furniture that meets the needs of federal government programs Minha Casa, Minha Vida and Minha Casa Melhor. The stages of the methodology, listening (Discovery Phase), creating (Ideation Phase) and implementing (Prototyping Phase), as well as specific tools of research, generation and selection of alternatives, were employed resulting in a product with several functions. The use of such a methodology is justified by initially developing empathy and understanding of potential users, then experimenting and validating ideas in a collaborative way on progressive scales. The study and, mainly, the correct reformulation of the problem take priority role in the process, guaranteeing the foundations for a generation of alternatives based and focused on the demands and reality of the user. The result - MTO System - is a response to frustration in the purchase of low-cost furniture by presenting itself as a financially accessible yet quite versatile and aesthetically desirable alternative. It is also emphasized that the visual identity and the exhibition system were designed, created to promote and commercialize the product.

  • português

    Este trabalho procura relatar e analisar, no contexto acadêmico, a aplicação de uma metodologia centrada no usuário (Human-Centered Design - HCD) no desenvolvimento de uma linha de mobiliário que atendesse as necessidades dos programas do governo federal Minha Casa, Minha Vida e Minha Casa Melhor. As etapas existentes na metodologia, ouvir (Fase de Descoberta), criar (Fase de Ideação) e implementar (Fase de Prototipagem), assim como ferramentas específicas de pesquisa, geração e seleção de alternativas, foram empregadas resultando em um produto com diversas funções. Foram também projetados a identidade visual e o sistema expositivo, criados para a divulgação e comercialização do produto. 

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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