A intervención no campo da sexualidade e afectividade coa mocidade, segue a ter diversas trabas, especialmente dentro da educación formal. Os centros educativos constitúen espazos de socialización fundamentais no desenvolvemento persoal de alumnos e alumnas, mais carece de espazos de crítica respecto ás mensaxes que reciben respecto dos mass media. Dende os Centros Quérote +, trabállase intervindo coa mocidade no centro educativo, fóra do mesmo, e coas familias. O asesoramento é fundamental á hora de resolver dúbidas, facilitar ferramentas e formular una actitude crítica ante as mensaxes sociais, procurando un aprendizaxe interactivo e participativo.
Social intervention in the sexuality and affectivity field with young people. Intervention in the sexuality and affectivity field with children, youth and their families continues to have several obstacles, especially in formal education. The schools are an important space for socialise and for the personal development of the students but it lacks critical spaces in relation to the messages they receive regarding the mass media. Quérote + Centers works with young people at the school, outside the same, and with families. Advice is essential when it comes to solve problems, supply, tools and create a critical attitude to deal with social messages, looking forward interactive and participatory learning.
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