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Resumen de Prof. Richard Mattessich at 95: His Research Methodology

Giuseppe Galassi

  • English

    This paper is presented as a tribute to prof. Richard Mattessich. It is written “through the eyes” of a researcher who has worked closely with him over a period of 42 years, starting attending his courses of “Income Determination Theory” and “Research Methodology” at the University of British Columbia in 1975. Among his huge scientific research and publications, I intend to underline these three major contributions: (i) Accounting metrics and other mathematical instruments which anticipated computer spreadsheet by 30 years; (ii). The preparation of accountants for information economics by means of analytical methods; and (iii) The proposition of the “onion model of reality” to distinguish different Kind of reality.

  • English

    Este trabajo se presenta como un tributo al profesor Richard Mattessich. Está escrito “con los ojos” de un investigador que ha trabajado estrechamente con él durante un período de 42 años, comenzando a asistir a sus cursos de " Income Determination Theory" y "Research Methodology" en la Universidad de British Columbia en 1975. Entre su investigación y publicaciones, más importantes pretendo subrayar estas tres contribuciones principales: (i) Accounting metrics and other mathematical instruments which anticipated computer spreadsheet by 30 years; (ii) The preparation of accountants for information economics by means of analytical methods; y (iii) The proposition of the “onion model of reality” to distinguish different Kind of reality.

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