Iñigo León Cascante, Maialen Sagarna Aranburu, Fernando Mora Martín
In the associative modeling, two main branches can be distinguished. On the one hand, the parametric design processes, where it is confirmed that they become an ally of the creativity in the material development of changing complex forms. On the other hand, BIM technology is a trend. Based on the experience with BIM tolos, we have proved that, at first, the use of creativity is limited to certain extent with their use. A proper balance can be found if the two branches become complementary.
Modelizazio asoziatiboaren barruan, bi adar nagusi bereizi daitezke. Batetik, diseinu parametrikoa oinarri duten prozesuak, non baieztatzen den forma konplexu aldakorren garapen materiala kreatibitatearen aldeko aliatu bilakatzen dela. bestetik, bogan dagoen BIM teknologia. Bereziki, BIM tresnekin izandako esperientzietan oinarrituta; frogatu dugu, hasiera batean, bigarren horien erabilerak mugatzen duela kreatibitatea neurri batean. Oreka aproposa aurkitu daiteke di adarrak osagarri bilakatzean.
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