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Resumen de O imaxinario erótico en "Nacer del fuego", de Pepa Nieto

Ronald Campos López

  • galego

    Neste artigo proponse un estudo exploratorio, descritivo e hermenéutico da poesía erótica en "Nacer del fuego", da galega Pepa Nieto, a partir das estruturas antropolóxicas do imaxinario e o concepto de erotismo como celebración do cuerpo, forza motriz e harmónica da Creación, símbolo do progreso e esquema místico-amoroso. A abordaxe simbólica do imaxinario poético de Nieto permite observar unha plenitude dinámica, tanto existencial, amorosa, erótica coma mística da falante lírica, a través da integración de estruturas propias dos réximes diúrno, nocturno e copulativo, de modo que as experiencias da soidade, o paso anguriante do tempo, a caída, a purificación, a luz, a elevación, o mar, o lugar seguro e a noite tranquila, o gozo e a sensualidade, o lume, a ensoñación e as experiencias do tempo cíclico interactúan nun dinamismo relativamente equilibrado. A análise das estruturas arquetípicas, simbólicas e míticas permite, así mesmo, establecer diálogos coa produción plástica de Nieto, os cales amplían os alcances da ideoloxía e estética desta autora

  • English

    This article proposes an exploratory, descriptive and hermeneutical study of the erotic poetry in Nacer del fuego, of the Galician Pepa Nieto. This approach is based on the anthropological structures of the imaginary and the concept of eroticism as celebration of the body, driving and harmonic Creation force, symbol of the progress, and mystic-loving scheme. The symbolical approach of Nieto’s poetry imaginary allows observing theexistential, loving, erotic and mystical plenitude of the lyrical subject. This dynamical plenitude is integrated by structure belonging to the diurnal, nocturnal and copulative regimes. Therefore, the experience of solitude, the distressing passing of time, the falling, the purification, the light, the elevation, the sea, the save place, the quiet night, the joy, the sensuality, the fire, the poetics of reverie and the cyclical time experience interact at a relatively balanced dynamism. The analysis of the archetypical, symbolical and mythical structures allows also establishing dialogues with Nieto plastic production.

    These dialogues increase the scope of the ideology and aesthetic of this author

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