Azken berrogeita hamar urteotan, aurrerapauso nabarmenak eman dira euskara biziberritzeko prozesuan, hainbat elkarte, erakunde eta pertsonari esker; historia orokor nagusia jasota dago, baina ez tokian tokikoa, eta, gainera, sarritan ez da behar bezala ezagutzen eta baloratzen. Iragan hurbil hori aztertuta, eta bereziki dentsitateguneak, hobeto ulertuko dugu gaur egungo egoera, eta elkarteetatik edo taldeetatik eraginda, etorkizunera begirako hainbat helduleku aurkitiko ditugu, euskara indartzen eta biziberritzen jarraitzeko.
During the last fifty years, progress has bieen evident in the process of recovery of Euskera, thanks to the work of many associations, people and institutions; the general history of that process is written, but not local history, and, moreover, is often not known or vaulued as it should be. Analyzing this close past, and especially the hegemonic nuclei of Basque, we will better understand the current situation, and acting from the associations or groups, we will achieve some assists to continue strengthening and recovering the Basque language in the future.
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