In this study the main issue is the evaluation of linguistic influence in Basque language the the shopping centre Lintzirin has, located in Oiartzun. For that, it has been used a new method (ELE), created by UEMA, specially for the study of the linguistic influence in Basque language. In the end, after the analisis of the situation, there are given some solutions and ideas to resolve the socilinguistic influence of it.
Lan honetan Oiartzungo Lintzirin merkataritza-guneak euskaran eragin linguistikorik baduen aztertzen da, horretarako, UEMAk sortu duen Eragin Linguistikoaren Ebaluazioa deritzon tresna erabiliz. Amaieran, egoera hobetzeko neurri zuzentzaileak proposatzen dira, egoeraren diagnosiarekin batera.
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