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Resumen de Сочинения Афанасия Александрийскогов славянской традицииv [Sochinenia Afanasia Aleksandriiskogo v claviyanskoi traditsii Chast I]: Podlinnye sochinenia

Viacheslav Lytvynenko, Irina Gritsevskaya

  • We possess many works written by Athanasius of Alexandria that were translated into Old Slavonic. Yet, there are very few studies that examine Athanasius’ reception in the Old Slavonic tradition. This article is intended to fi ll in the gap and provide an analysis of his genuine writings of which we have identifi ed nine: three Orations against the Arians, Epistle to the Bishops of Egypt and Libya (known as the fourth Oration in the Old Slavonic corpus), Life of Antony, Epistle to Marcellinus on the Interpretation of the Psalms, Epistle to Amun, Epistile to Rufi nianus, and the biblical canon from the 39th Paschal Epistle. The second part of this study (in the form of a separate article) will provide a list of pseudo-Athanasian writings and present the way they shaped the Old Slavonic image of Athanasius.

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