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Resumen de Gastropoda e Scaphopoda del Porto di Livorno

Manrico Coppini, Fabrizio Cuneo, A. Margelli, Enzo Campani

  • English

    We report a first part (Gastropoda and Scaphopoda) of the results of our dredgings on the bottoms of the Livorno harbour, North Thyrrhenian Sea, ltaly. The dredgings had the goal to compare the molluscs fauna found in these potentially impacted environments with the available faunistic lists for the littoral communities surrounding the Livorno harbour area. We found on the whole thirteen species: l2 Gastropoda and 1 Scaphopoda. Eight of these species are reported for the first time for the Livorno sea. Each species has been illustrated and its occurrence ecology commented. To our knowledge Philine denticulata is herein photographed for the first time

  • italiano

    Vengono riportati alcuni risultati di dragaggi effettuati sistematicamente dagli autori all'interno dei moli delimitanti il porto di Livorno, Tirreno Settentrionale, ltalia. Sono segnalate ed illustrate alcune specie di molluschi Gasteropodi e Scafopodi la cui presenza e/o iconografia è stata ritenuta interessante

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