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Resumen de Cerithiopsis annae: una nuova specie di Cerithiopsidae per le coste tunisine.

Alberto Cecalupo, Giovanni Buzzurro

  • italiano

    Esaminando il sedimento sabbioso-organogeno del piano infralitorale, raccolto in località Hammamet (Tunisia), nel Marzo del 1996, alla profondità di 4-5 m, al limite inferiore di una prateria di Posidonia oceanica (L.), sono stati individuati alcuni esemplari appartenenti alla famiglia Cerithiopsidae differenti per morfologia da tutte le specie mediterranee note. Dopo attenti esami di confronto, si è giunti alla conclusione di descriverli come nuova specie, attribuendogli il nome di Cerithiopsis annae.

  • English

    Some Cerithiopsidae specimens, morphologically different from all the other Mediterranean species known so far, were isolated from a sediment, collected 4-5 m depth in a Posidonia oceanica (L.) meadow, at Hammamet (Tunisia). After comparative examinations, they were recognized as a new species and named Cerithiopsis annae. The new species is characterized by a hyaline apex lacking subsutural striation. The new species was compared with the more closely related taxa: Cerithiopsis tubercularis (Montagu, 1803) and C.nana Jeffreys, 1867. About these latter taxa, is our opinion that C. nana has to be regarded as a junior synonym of C. tubercularis. Moreover, this taxon is preoccupied by C. nana (Wood S.V., 1848) that has priority over C. nana Jeffreys, 1867, and was already used by some Authors. C. nana sensu Auctores not Jeffreys, 1867, illustrated by Giannuzzi Savelli (1999), is not comparable with C. annae. At the present knowledge, the distribution of C. annae seems to be limited to the eastern coast of Tunisia.

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