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Resumen de Treino de competências académicas e pre-académicas em crianças com problemas escolares

Edgar Galindo, Helena Coradinho

  • English

    The aim of this paper is to present the results of an intervention program based in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) to train academic skills in children with school failure problems. In the current research, training programs successfully applied to 1st and 2nd school year children were used to train three children attending the 4th school year. An evaluation before and after the intervention with ABA techniques was carried on using WISC-III Arithmetics Sub-test and tests of the Distema Method, including a Dyslexia identification test. Results showed advances in Verbal Comprehension, Orthography and Arithmetics in all children. All applied evaluation tests showed similar results. Results obtained in Portugal with younger children were replicated. As a conclusion, it is stressed thar intervention programs based on ABA seem to increase academic performance of children with school failure problems.

  • português

    O objetivo principal deste artigo é apresentar os resultados obtidos na aplicação de procedimentos de treino baseados nas técnicas da Análise Comportamental Aplicada (ACA) a alunos na situação de insucesso escolar. Programas de treino anteriormente aplicados com sucesso a alunos do 1.º ao 3.º ano de escolaridade, foram aplicados nesta investigação a três alunos com problemas de insucesso escolar do 4.º ano de escolaridade.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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