Roberto Zepeda Martínez, Jonathan Daniel Rosen
El flujo migratorio de México a Estados Unidos (EE.UU.) ha aumentado notablemente endécadas recientes. Este flujo es mayormente indocumentado, propiciando riesgos tantopara los migrantes como para el país receptor. A pesar de que la migración se percibe comoun tema de seguridad, generalmente es resultado de factores económicos, laborales y proximidad geográfica, que se sostienen por redes sociales. La migración representa un temade seguridad para EE.UU., ya que a través de su frontera no solo se da la migración laboral,sino también el tráfico de drogas, armas, personas y potenciales terroristas. Este dilemarequiere cooperación bilateral para regular los flujos migratorios con el fin de satisfacer lademanda de fuerza laboral en EE.UU., en lugar de criminalizar a las personas migrantes.
Migratory flows from Mexico to United State (US) have increased notably in recent decades.
This flow of people is mainly undocumented, generating risks not only to migrants but also to the recipient country. Despite the fact that migration is perceived as a security issue, it is generally the result of economic and labor factors as well as geographic proximity, which are sustained by social networks. Migration represents a security issue for the US, since not only migrants pass through the border but also drug trafficking, arms, human trafficking, and potential terrorists. This dilemma requires bilateral cooperation to regulate migratory flows in order to meet the demands of labor in the US, instead of criminalizing migrants.
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