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Resumen de Estudio transdisciplinario sobre la autoconciencia

Ángel Rivera Arrizabalaga, Sara Rivera Velasco

  • Self-awareness: transdisciplinary studyIf anything strongly characterizes the human being it is his self-awareness. In order to study its origins and development in the Homo gender, all the sciences that may be related to its emergence have been used, and we can group them into three analytical groups. First, human neuroevolution (evolutionary biology, genetics, embryology, and paleoanthropology). Second, human psychobiology (neurology, psychology and psycholinguistics). Third, environmental interaction (social and cultural anthropology, archeology and demography). Its methodological combination have provide us a multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary analysis about self-awareness acquisition in the human species, showing us that its fundamentals can focus on three important processes: exaptation, coevolution and cognitive emergence. 

Fundación Dialnet

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