D. Aragonés, Javiera Barrios, Daniela Ucha Franco, Iris de Jesús Alejandre Romero
Objetivos. Determinar la frecuencia de la hemorragia posparto y poscesárea en el Hospital Rural Prospera Coscomatepec, Veracruz, México, durante el periodo Agosto 2015-Julio 2016; identificar los factores de riesgo que predisponen a una hemorragia posparto y poscesárea; determinar las causas de la hemorragia posparto y poscesárea.
Material y métodos. Se realizó un estudio de investigación retrospectiva, transversal y descriptiva, donde se evaluaron 243 pacientes con hemorragia posparto en un lapso comprendido de julio del 2015 a Agosto del 2016 en el Hospital Rural Prospera Coscomatepec. El universo de trabajo estará constituido por todas las pacientes que ingresen a terminar su embarazo en la sala de labor y partos que presenten hemorragia posparto y poscesárea.
Resultados. Se reportaron 3.360 pacientes con partos vaginales y cesáreas en el periodo comprendido, de las que 243 presentaron hemorragia obstétrica sin complicaciones. En 39,92 % de las pacientes con hemorragia obstétrica se halló como principal factor de riesgo la multiparidad, no atribuible a otra comorbilidad. Como principal etiología se determinó la hipotonía uterina: un 58,61 % de las pacientes que presentaron hemorragia obstétrica.
Conclusiones. En el caso de la Institución donde se llevó a cabo la realización del presente estudio, una buena o mala calidad de control prenatal no se atribuyó a que aumentara la presencia de factores de riesgo para hemorragia obstétrica. Las pacientes recibieron su tratamiento médico adecuado de acuerdo a las normas, realizadas exitosamente sin ninguna complicación tanto materna como fetal. El grupo etario de las pacientes y su número de gestaciones no se relacionó con la presencia de hemorragia obstétrica. El propósito es disminuir la frecuencia de presentar hemorragia obstétrica, además de dotar a las instituciones de salud de los insumos, medicamentos y componentes sanguíneos necesarios para resolver las consecuencias de la complicación.
Objectives. To determine the frequency of postpartum and post-cesarean haemorrhage at Hospital Rural Prospera Coscomatepec, Veracruz, Mexico during the period August 2015 to July 2016, as well as to identify the risk factors that predispose to postpartum and post-cesarean haemorrhage and determine The causes of postpartum and post-cesarean haemorrhage.
Material and methods. A retrospective, cross-sectional and descriptive study was carried out which 243 patients with postpartum hemorrhage were evaluated from July 2015 to August 2016 at the Hospital Rural Prospera Coscomatepec. The universe of work will consist of all the patients who enter to finish their pregnancy in the labor room and deliveries that present postpartum and post-cesarean haemorrhage.
Results. A total of 3,360 patients with vaginal and cesarean deliveries were reported during the study period, of which 243 presented uncomplicated obstetric hemorrhage. 39.92% of patients with obstetric hemorrhage were found to be the main risk factor for multiparity, not attributable to other comorbidity. As the main etiology, uterine hypotonia was determined with 58.61% of the patients who presented obstetric hemorrhage.
Conclusions. In the case of the institution where the study was carried out, a good or poor quality of prenatal control was not attributed to an increase in the presence of risk factors for obstetric hemorrhage. The patients received their proper medical management according to the norms, performed successfully without any maternal or fetal complications. The age group of the patients and their number of gestations was not related to the presence of obstetric hemorrhage.
The purpose is to reduce the frequency of obstetric hemorrhage, as well as equip health institutions with the necessary drugs, drugs and blood components to resolve the consequences of the complication.
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