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Resumen de Estudo das fraturas do processo condilar da mandíbula

Murilo Ferreira Lima

  • English

    Revision of mandibular condylar process fractures by the point of view of the etiology, classification, diagnostic and treatment.

    In the etiology is demonstrated that work and transit accidents are the principal causes of those fractures. The vulnerable area to have those fractures are the mentual region and madibular body. The classification is studied by the anatomical and functional point of view.

    The study of signs and symptoms is made for each type of fracture.

    The treatments, in this revision work, are the surgical and the conservative with his possibles sequels and manners to gtreat hers.

  • português

    Revisão das fraturas do processo condilar da mandíbula sob o ponto de vista de etiologia, classificação, diagnóstico e tratamento.

    Na etiologia é domonstrado que as principais causas destas fraturas são os acidentes do trabalho e os dos meios de locomoção. As áreas vulneráveis para que ocorram estas fraturas são a região mentual e o corpo da mandíbula.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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