Climent Picornell Bauzà, Antoni Ginard Bujosa
Durant la segona meitat del segle XIX, els treballs de I'enginyer angles John Frederic Latrobe Bateman, especialista en obres hidrauliques, permetien fer efectiva la dessecacio i la posada en conreu de les terres de S'Albufera, la major zona humida de Mallorca. Entre 1863 i 1896, la "New Majorca Land Company", la dessecacio de S'Albufera i la fundacio de la colonia agricola de Gatamoix i Sant Lluis son el lIegat de la colonitzacio anglesa a I'illa de Mallorca.
It was during the second half of the XIX century that the accomplishment of the English engineer John Frederic Latrobe Bateman, a specialist in hydraulics, enabled the draining and cultivation of the Albufera lands, the largest wetland of Majorca. The "New Majorca Land Company", the draining of the Albufera and the founding of the agricultural settlements of Gatamoix and Sant Lluis are milestones of an era of British colonization on the island of Majorca between 1863 and 1896.
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