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Resumen de Russia seeks incentives for lithium development

Industrial Minerals

  • "These brines have not only lithium, but also number of other valuable elements, such as magnesium, calcium, bromine, lithium and strontium," she told IM. "On some rivers, due to the discharge of brine, mineralisation increased to 14g/l, which many times exceeds the environmental standards. Test exploration of wells in the Kovyktinskaya area, with an initial flow rate of 7,000 metres squared a day and lithium content of 480 mg/l gave start "The most promising areas here are lithium-containing underground brines in diamond pipes of Republic of Yakutia. For the diamond industry in Russia these underground brines that enter the mine must be pumped out and stored on the surface. If for the diamond industry this is a huge technological challenge, in the tailings of ore mining and processing, from our point of view this is a large lithium hydro deposit. The project for the development of relevant technology has already been supported by who," [Sergei Smirnov] added.

    "The situation around lithium is rather complicated, since there are numerous projects for the development of this mineral inside the country, but it is not actually clear if potential producers may find customers," Alexei Strizev, a spokesperson for the Ministry, told IM. "In general, Russian mining projects never focus fully on export deliveries, since such a strategy seems too risky, so until there is stable demand for lithium inside the country, we don't believe there will be any big investments in this production of this mineral."

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