Con información proveniente de la Encuesta de Salud Reproductiva con Población Derechohabiente (Ensare 98), se analizan las interrelaciones de las características sociodemográficas de las mujeres mexicanas derechohabientes, su poder de decisión y autonomía, y el riesgo de tener relaciones sexuales no deseadas. Los resultados señalan que las escasas posibilidades de autonomía de la mujer y su pertenencia a un estrato socioeconómico bajo (no muy bajo) son factores que se pueden asociar a una reducción significativa del riesgo de sexo forzado, en tanto que la violencia física de la pareja incrementa dicha probabilidad. Se exploran también algunos efectos del sexo no deseado sobre la salud reproductiva de las mujeres. AbstractUsing information from the Reproductive Health Survey of the Population with National Health Insurance (Ensare ’98), the author analyzes the relationship between the sociodemographic characteristics of women with national health insurance, their decision-making capacity and autonomy and the risk of having unwanted sex. The results show that women’s scant possibilities of autonomy and the fact of their belonging to a low (rather than very low) socio-economic strata are factors that can be linked to a significant reduction of the risk of forced sex, while physical violence within the couple increases this possibility. The author also explores certain effects of unwanted sex on women’s reproductive health.
AbstractUsing information from the Reproductive Health Survey of the Population with National Health Insurance (Ensare ’98), the author analyzes the relationship between the sociodemographic characteristics of women with national health insurance, their decision-making capacity and autonomy and the risk of having unwanted sex. The results show that women’s scant possibilities of autonomy and the fact of their belonging to a low (rather than very low) socio-economic strata are factors that can be linked to a significant reduction of the risk of forced sex, while physical violence within the couple increases this possibility. The author also explores certain effects of unwanted sex on women’s reproductive health.
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