Gitte Vanwinckelen, Vinicius Tragante do O, Daan Fierens, Hendrik Blockeel
In multi-instance learning, instances are organized into bags, and a bag is labeled positive if it contains at least one positive instance, and negative otherwise; the labels of the individual instances are not given. The task is to learn a classifier from this limited information. While the original task description involved learning an instance classifier, in the literature the task is often interpreted as learning a bag classifier. Depending on which of these two interpretations is used, it is more natural to evaluate classifiers according to how well they predict, respectively, instance labels or bag labels. In the literature, however, the two interpretations are often mixed, or the intended interpretation is left implicit. In this paper, we investigate the difference between bag-level and instance-level accuracy, both analytically and empirically. We show that there is a substantial difference between these two, and better performance on one does not necessarily imply better performance on the other. It is therefore useful to clearly distinguish the two settings, and always use the evaluation criterion most relevant for the task at hand. We show experimentally that the same conclusions hold for area under the ROC curve.
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