The present study was conducted to evaluate 16 crosses between 4 breeds of rabbits from a physiological point of view. The breeds tested were Baladi Red (BR), Chinchilla Giganta (ChG), French Giant Papillon (FGP) and Simenwar (S). A total number of 6144 blood samples were collected to detect the effect of crossing, age of kits, month of kindling and sex effects. The traits evaluated were: haematological parameters; red blood cell count (RBCs), haemoglobin concentration (Hb), haematocrit value (Ht%), biochemical parameters of plasma; total protein (TP), albumin (Alb), globulin concentration (Glo), albumin/globulin ratio (Alb/Glo) and triglycerides (TG). BR or its crosses, using BR sires or BR dams, showed the highest value of RBCs, Hb and Ht%. Crossbred rabbits obtained from mating BR and FGP rabbits had the highest Glo values. Rabbits which were born in May-June months had the highest values of TP and its fractions (Alb and Glo). Age of kits had a highly significant effect (P<0.001) on RBCs, Hb, Ht%, TP and TG. Moreover, Glo and Alb/Glo ratio (P<0.01) and Alb (P<0.05) were also significantly affected. Sex had no significant effect on all studied parameters. Significant positive correlations were found between TP and each final body weight, total weight gain, total feed intake, carcass weight and dressing percentage, while significant negative correlation was found with feed conversion.
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