Leire Milikua, Sergio Gallego Mazarías
This article is about a case study that took place during 2016 in 6 municipalities of Goierri (in Gipuzkoa). Nutritional needs of the population were related to soil surface needed for the production of that food and the amount of jobs there would be created. Although there is enough territorial capital, the conflict among different productive sectors is clear: most alluvial plains (soils with highest agrological value) are already made artificial and industrial uses
Goeirriko 6 udalerritan (Gipuzkoa) 2016an zehar garatutako azterketa-kasuak eremu horretako biztanleen elikadura-beharrizanak, elikagaiak sortzeko beharrezko lur-azalerak eta sortuko liratekeeen lanpostuak lotzen ditu. Lurralde-kapital handia egon arren, ekoizpen-sektore ezberdinen arteko gatzakak argiak dira: lautada alubial gehienak (balio agrologiko handieneko lurrak) artifizialduak daude jada; azpiegitura, bizitegi eta industriako erabilerak jasotzen dituzte
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