Pasa den mendeko 50eko hamarkadak burdinbidearen gainbehera azkarra hasi zuen, bidean mugikortasun-ardatz nagusi izandako azpiegitura-sare zabala bertan behera geratuz. Artikulu honetan erabilerarik gabe geratu diren Euskal Herriko birdinbideen ondare eraikiaren egungo egoera aztertuko da, ondare-azpiegitura lurraldeko baliabide gisa berreskuratzeko helburuz
The 50s las century, intensified the railway declining tendency and a wide railway network was dismantled during the following decades. This article will analyse the current state of the built heritage of disused/dismantled Basque railways, in order to recover this infrastructure-heritage as an active resource of the territory
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