Se presenta un estudio prospectivo en 122 preescolares ingresados entre febrero y mayo de 1989, analizando las características socioeconómicas y culturales en relación con el estado nutricional. Se tomaron en cuenta pre-escolares femeninos y masculinos que presentaron déficit nutricional.
Se investigó área de procedencia, causas de ingreso y cobertura de lactancia materna. Se estudiaron factores de ries go tales como: hacinamiento, escolaridad de los padres, de empleo, condiciones sanitarias y calidad de la vivienda. El 34% de los pre-escolares ingre sados presentaron desnutrición (actual y crónica) y pertenecían a una población de ries go. El mayor porcentaje estuvo representado por el sexo masculino. Cerca del 50% procedía del área metropolitana de Mérida. El mayor porcentaje de las hospitalizaciones en pre-escolares desnutridos lo constituyeron las causas infecciosas y dentro de ellas más de la cuarta parte estuvo representada por las neumonías. Cerca del 50% recibieron lactan cia materna antes del sexto mes y vivían en condiciones de hacinamiento. Más del 70% pertenecían a la clase obrera y de pobreza extrema. Cerca de la cuarta parte vivían en hogares con condiciones sanitarias deficientes. Se observó que el 20% de los pre-escolares desnutridos pertenecían a hogares donde el jefe del hogar estaba desempleado y habitaba en vivienda de mala calidad. En el 45% de los casos el jefe de la familia presentó un bajo gra do de instrucción. Se demostró que existe una relación directa entre la calidad de vivienda y el estado nutricional de estos niños
A prospective study of 12 pre-school in-patient children (mal e and female) was carried out between February and may 1989 at the University Hospital of the Andes, Mérida, Venezuela. All the children had nutritional deficit. The socioeconomic and cultural characteristics of their families were analyzed in relation to their nutritional status. Their geographical procedence was recorded, as well as the cause wh y they were at the hospital and the length of time under breast feeding. The risk factors in the family were studied, especially, crowding, scholarity of the parents, unemployment, sanitary conditions and quality of the house. The results showed that 34% of the children had undernutrition (present and chronic) and belonged to a population at risk. The proportion of males was higher (54.7%) than females. Nearly half of the children came from tile metropolitan area of Mérida. The main causes for being at hospital were the infectious diseases, especially pneumoni a. Slightly over50% of the children had breast feeding after six months of age. 50% of the families live in crowded conditions. More than 70% of the families were in the working class and the extreme poorest class. 21.4% live in houses with deficient sanitary conditions. In 20% of the children's families the household head was unemployed and the families were living in poor quality houses. In 45% of the cases the head of the family had a low grade of scholarity. Finally, it was shown that there is a direct relationship between the quality of the housing and the nutritional status of the children.
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