City of Iowa City, Estados Unidos
Se usaron condiciones experimentales similares a las que describieron Lieving y Lattal (2003) para evaluar el resurgimiento de los mandos en humanos en dos experimentos.
Se entrenaron dos mandos de la misma clase operante en tres participantes con problemas de desarrollo en el Experimento 1 y con dos participantes con problemas de desarrollo y una historia de problemas de conducta en el Experimento 2. Posteriormente los dos mandos se extinguieron. Ambos mandos persistieron, pero mostraron diferente fuerza de la respuesta durante extinción. El mando con la menor fuerza de la respuesta se seleccionó para un entrenamiento en comunicación funcional adicional y el mando alternativo se extinguió. Después de niveles estables de ocurrencia del mando seleccionado y de la no ocurrencia del mando alternativo los dos mandos se extinguieron nuevamente. Al menos una instancia de resurgimiento del mando alternativo ocurrió con todos los participantes y el resurgimiento de conductas problema ocurrió para ambos participantes durante el Experimento 2.
Experimental conditions similar to those described by Lieving and Lattal (2003) were used within two experiments to evaluate the resurgence of mands with humans. Two mands from the same operant class were trained with three participants with developmental disabilities during Experiment 1 and with two participants with developmental disabilities and a history of problem behavior during Experiment 2. The two mands were then placed on extinction. Both persisted, but showed different response strength during extinction. The mand with the weaker response strength was targeted for additional functional communication training and the alternative mand was placed on extinction. Following steady levels of occurrence of the targeted mand and no occurrences of the alternative mand, both mands were placed on extinction again. At least one instance of resurgence of the alternative mand occurred with every participant and resurgence of problem behavior occurred for both participants during Experiment 2.
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