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Resumen de Computer says "no comment"

Timothy Revell

  • It should not have taken Cambridge Analytica to remind us that algorithms can have an insidious influence. Arguments rumble on about what privacy rules were broken, if any, and whether the company's mass profiling of Facebook users swung the 2016 US Presidential Election and the UK's Brexit vote and what we are clear on is something we had been warned about: give an algorithm a load of data about ourselves, and in return it assumes power over our lives. Here, Revell highlights the views of Adrian Weller, from the University of Cambridge who states the need for the society to understand what's happening, so that one can ask about what kind of world one wants, as how the Analytica story shows that the stakes are high. Among other things, if AI is to enhance our lives rather than dictate them according to arbitrary, incomprehensible rules in some sort of Kafkaesque scenario, we need to be clear about exactly what we expect of it.

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