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Resumen de Imagination Reloaded: Transfiguring Urban Space into Virtual Space in the tv Series "Caprica"

Torsten Caeners

  • This chapter discusses the negotiations of varying forms of urbanity in the tv series "Caprica". The urban space of the city of Caprica is intricately and actively intertwined with the personal and socio-political developments depicted. This is facilitated by means of Caprica City’s relationship with its fully immersive virtual copy, New Cap City. The transgression of boundaries (spatial, mental, moral and sexual) is seductively invited by means of the possibilities offered by Caprican urbanity, both real and virtual. In this manner, the series’ specifically postmodern urbanity raises and negotiates questions of the border between fantasy and reality in contemporary metropolitan spaces. The constant negotiations between these two urbanities invite interrogations into the nature and possibilities of today’s dynamic and ever-changing urban spaces.

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