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Resumen de The internal insecurity of Pisidia at the end of the 3rd century AD: «barbarian» attacks or a rebellion of Roman citizens?

Aitor Blanco-Pérez

  • This paper studies the episodes of insecurity that affected Pisidia and, in particular, Termessos from 275 to 283 AD. Even if problems of brigandage had been common in the region both in Hellenistic and Roman times, the events in the second half of the 3rd century AD present a new factor to be taken into consideration: the quasi-universal Roman citizenship granted by Caracalla in 212 AD. In consequence, the paper first assesses the impact of the Constitutio Antoniniana on the population of Termessos. Second, it describes the general features of this area and the difficult imperial context (e.g.Gothic and Sassanid invasions, brief emperors) in which these problems of insecurity with an internal origin occurred.

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