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Resumen de Can e-learning system enhance learning culture in the workplace? A comparison among companies in South Korea.

Sun Joo Yoo, Wenhao Huang

  • How organizations need to act in order to develop their learning capacities has always been a focal interest of research and practice in the workplace. In practice, an e-learning system is often utilized to foster professional development as it is capable of delivering information and knowledge to individuals across organizations. However, the effect of e-learning systems on fostering the development of learning organizations in South Korean companies remains unsubstantiated by empirical research. Hence, in this study, a total of 327 datasets from three Korean companies (A, B and C) were analyzed to investigate this research question: can utilizing an e-learning system accelerate the process of companies becoming learning organizations? The results showed that only the e-learning systems of Company A and Company C, but not of Company B, facilitated the development of learning organizations. The study concluded that employees' acceptance levels toward e-learning systems must be considered in order to effectively promote long-term implementation of e-learning systems that would lead to the development of learning organizations. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

Fundación Dialnet

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