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Resumen de Diritto e carita in Sergio Cotta

Barbara Troncarelli

  • italiano

    SOMMARIO: 1. La dialetticitá della filosofía cottiana del diritto. - 2. Dai limiti del diritto alia carita come "giustizia perfetta

  • English

    ABSTRACT: In Sergio Cotta's philosophical thought, the laiv introduces human beings to the authentic sense of Ufe, because it constitutes the necessary condition and, together, the result of the existence of individuáis in their relationality and reciprocity of rights and dnties. In this thought, therc is an implicit dialectics between various polarities, among which theory and practice, universality and empirical particularity, infinity andfinitude, as well as between natural law and positive law. Henee, emerges the need to reunite these contrapositions in the direction of a concrete concept of "natural law in forcé", as a living reality of law characterized by symmetry and measure. At last, the ontological and existential horizon of law, and the whole "moral of justice", tends to overeóme its own limits towards the further and asymmetrical "moral of charity", which is not sepárate from the law but is within it as "perfect justice", while remaining two distinct and not confusing dimehsions at the same time

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