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Resumen de Deployable lenticular stiffeners for origami-inspired mechanisms

Alden Yellowhors, Larry L. Howel

  • Light-weight origami-inspired mechanisms can provide advantagesin deployable space systems and other applications. However, a signicant challenge in their design is ensuring that they are suciently sti.

    Compliant, deployable stieners utilizing a prole that approximates the Euler Spiral are proposed as one possible solution. It is shown that a structure with this specic prole, called a lenticular stiener, permits stieners to be attened using a force applied at their edge. Formulas for calculating the increase in stiness are developed. Relations needed to design the deployment behavior of the stieners are also derived. Finally, advantages of dierent congurations of stieners are evaluated. These results are veried through simulation and experiments.

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