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Resumen de Non-parametric Panel Data Models with Interactive Fixed Effects

Joachim Freyberger

  • This article studies non-parametric panel data models with multidimensional, unobserved individual effects when the number of time periods is fixed. I focus on models where the unobservables have a factor structure and enter an unknown structural function non-additively. The setup allows the individual effects to impact outcomes differently in different time periods and it allows for heterogeneous marginal effects. I provide sufficient conditions for point identification of all parameters of the model. Furthermore, I present a non-parametric sieve maximum likelihood estimator as well as flexible semiparametric and parametric estimators. Monte Carlo experiments demonstrate that the estimators perform well in finite samples. Finally, in an empirical application, I use these estimators to investigate the relationship between teaching practice and student achievement. The results differ considerably from those obtained with commonly used panel data methods.

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