È stata studiata la fauna a molluschi del Pliocene inferiore di Montenero (Grosseco). Sono state identificate 127 specie, tutte di ambiente marino litorale e transizionale, alcune delle quali sono risultate rare e mai citate precedentemente per il Pliocene. Nel complesso, la sezione documenta il passaggio da un ambiente lagunare talassico, relativamente confinato, ad uno francamente marino di spiaggia sommersa.
The Lower Pliocene of Tuscany (Centra1 Italy) is famed for the richness of its mollusc faunas. A 7 meter-thick section crops out near Montenero (Grosseto province), docurnenting che transition from shallow-marine, somewhat confìned and sheltered environments, to an open-marine, sandy shoreface setting. Four units were identified froni bottom to top: (1) Potanider-dark clays; (2) Shmnbw-weakly cemented sands; (3) Sands and conglomerate~;(4) Sands and sandstones with Pcctm-Ostrea. The mollusc fauna consists of 127 taxa, including many species which are rare, poorly described and figured in the literamre, or never previously reported from che Pliocene. Unit 1 contains most of these taxa, and points to a sheltered, very shallow embayment open to che sea, characterized by many different habitats.
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