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Resumen de As primeiras normas da Academia e a perda da súa " auctoritas " na codificación do galego

Xosé Ramón Freixeiro Mato

  • galego

    Após unha introdución sobre o concepto de norma lingüística e o seu valor e significado no caso concreto da lingua galega, neste artigo céntrase a atención nas normas ortográficas e morfolóxicas que a Real Academia Galega aprobou en 1970 e 1971, respectivamente, para relatar o proceso seguido internamente pola institución para as elaborar, aprobar e difundir con base en documentación até o momento inédita, alén doutra xa publicada; tamén se analiza o seu contido e omodelo de codificación que subxace nelas. Por último, contrástase esta proposta normativa coa do Instituto da Lingua Galega da Universidade de Santiago, que cuestiona en 1971 a autoridade da Academia na materia e reorienta o proceso normativizador de acordo co seu criterio.

  • English

    This article begins with an introduction to the concept of language rules and their importance in relation to the standardization of Galician, before focusing on the spelling and morphology rules introduced by the Real Academia Galega (RAG) in the years 1970 and 1971, respectively. Using a range of contemporary sources, many of them still unpublished, the paper explores the internal processes by which a codified set of rules for the Galician language was created, agreed upon and disseminated by the RAG, together with the standardizing principles used by its creators and the content of the rules themselves. The paper concludes with an analysis of the alternative standard proposed by the Instituto da Lingua Galega (ILG, Institute for the Galician Language of the University of Santiago de Compostela) in 1971, the challenge it posed to the RAG’s authority, and the Institute’s eventual success in redirecting the standardization process of Galician according to its own criteria.

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