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Resumen de South Korean university students’ mobile learning acceptance and experience based on the perceived attributes, system quality and resistance

Sung Youl Park, Hae Deum Lee, Soo Young Kim

  • University educators use mobile learning in their teaching because it is regarded as more beneficial than e-learning. The perceived attributes of the innovation (relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability and observability), system quality, and student resistance to innovation were selected as predictors of university students’ mobile learning acceptance and use. A sample of 557 university students participated in the study; among them, 360 students had prior mobile learning experience, and 197 students had only e-learning experience. A multiple regression analysis showed that the relative advantage, compatibility, observability and system quality of mobile learning, as well as student resistance to innovation, significantly predicted students’ mobile learning acceptance. Meanwhile, all discriminant loadings including complexity and trialability were considered significantly substantive. The discriminant function showed the hit ratio for classification accuracy between the mobile learning group and e-learning group was 59% and thus acceptable.

Fundación Dialnet

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