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Resumen de Il "Tribunale Monsanto": le imprese transnazionali dinanzi alla responsabilità per ecocidio?

Marco Colacurci

  • italiano

    1. Le ragioni di un interesse penalistico per la questione. - 2. Vittime e criminalità d'impresa. - 3. Forme di responsabilizzazione delle imprese nel contesto internazionale. - 4.

    Incertezza scientifica, tutela della salute umana e rispetto della libertà della ricerca scientifica. - 5. Il caso dell' Agent Orange. - 6. Verso un crimine di ecocidio? - 7. Alcune considerazioni conclusive.

  • English

    The international Monsanto Tribunal - a so-called "opinion Tribunal" - recently delivered a legal opinion which concluded that the activities of the transnational corporation Monsanto have negatively affected different human rights such as the one to a healthy environment, to food, to health, to the freedom indispensable for scientific researches, and that Monsanto is also responsible for complicity in war crimes and for the crime of ecocide. Despite the lack of legal value of this document, it represents a reaction to the inactivity of single States in fighting potentially harmuful behaviour of transnational corporations. At the same time, it deals with different relevant topics such as the role of victims of corporate violence, the corporate criminal liability at the international level and the recent proposal for the introduction of the international crime of ecocide.

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