Entre 2016 y 2017, la Sala Superior del Tribunal Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación ordenó al Instituto Nacional Electoral, mediante sentencias, elaborar unos lineamientos que servirían para identificar conductas que pudieran constituir violaciones a la normatividad en materia de comunicación política y electoral, pero que, una vez elaborados, fueron considerados por la propia Sala Superior como excesivos. Los casos derivados de esas resoluciones se comentan en este artículo en razón de su relevancia debido a que buscaban regular tales lineamientos y por la forma en que se dio el diálogo institucional entre la autoridad administrativa electoral y la jurisdiccional. Adicionalmente, la discusión de estos casos prácticos da la pauta para abrir el debate en torno a la vigencia de un concepto que ha sido pilar del sistema electoral mexicano: la equidad en la contienda, por lo menos sobre cómo ha sido concebido hasta ahora.
Between 2016 and 2017, the Superior Chamber of the Electoral Court of the Federal Judicial Branch ordered the National Electoral Institute, via judgments, to draw up guidelines that would serve to identify behaviors that could constitute violations of the regulations on political and electoral communication. These guidelines once elaborated, were considered by the Superior Court itself to be excessive. The cases derived from these resolutions are discussed in this article. Their relevance is that they sought to regulate the guidelines. These were considered the standard to a dialogue between the electoral administrative authority and the jurisdictional authority. Additionally, the discussion of these practical cases provided a pattern that opened a debate around the validity of a concept that has been established as the main pillar of the Mexican Electoral System: Which raises the question;
is there equity in the political contest? At least on how it has been conceived until now.
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