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Resumen de Hiriaunkortasuna, hiri iraunkorrerantz: ekonomia zirkularra hirietan

Aitor San Francisco Lasa

  • English

    The contemporary city model will never be sustainable. The circular economy as a future alternative is one of the lines of innovation within the present economic model. In order to have more sustainable cities, it is proposed to study the bases of application of this new economy in the context of cities.

  • euskara

    Gaur egungo hiri-eredua ez da iraunkorra izango. Hala ere, egungo ekonomiaren zaharberritzean ekonomia zirkularra gailentzen ari da, etorkizuneko alternatiba bezala. Hiri iraunkorragoak izate aldera, ekonomia berri hau hirietan bideratzeko oinarriak zeintzuk diren aztertzen da.

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