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Resumen de Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Chemical Kinetics: Experiment Selection Criteria To Address Students’ Intuitive Conceptions

Ainoa Marzábal Blancafort, Virginia Delgado, Patricia Moreira, Lorena Barrientos Poblete, Jeannette Moreno

  • Learning the key concepts of chemical kinetics is a challenge for higher education students. These difficulties are due, among other things, to the fact that traditional teaching does not consider the findings of research on students’ learning in this particular domain of chemistry. In this commentary, we propose research-based criteria for the selection of experiments that respond to the learning difficulties in chemical kinetics that have been widely reported in recent years. Additionally, we discuss a teaching strategy that may be appropriate to favor the evolution of students’ intuitive conceptions by evaluating their ideas and those of their peers in the analysis of scientific evidence.

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