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Resumen de Singlet Oxygen Detection Using Red Wine Extracts as Photosensitizers

Irene Lagunes, Fernanda Vázquez-Ortega, Ángel Trigos-Landa

  • Moderate consumption of red wine provides beneficial effects to health. This is attributed to polyphenol compounds present in wine such as resveratrol, quercetin, gallic acid, rutin, and vanillic acid. The amount of these antioxidants is variable; nevertheless, the main beneficial effects of red wine are attributed to resveratrol. However, it has been found that resveratrol and quercetin are able to photosensitize singlet oxygen generation and conversely, gallic acid acts as quencher. Therefore, and since resveratrol and quercetin are some of the most important antioxidants reported in red wines, the aim of this research was to evaluate the photosensitizing ability of 12 red wine extracts through photo-oxidation of ergosterol. The presence of 1O2was detected by ergosterol conversion into peroxide of ergosterol through 1H NMR analysis. Our results showed that 10 wine extracts were able to act as photosensitizers in the generation of singlet oxygen. The presence of 1O2can damage other compounds of red wine and cause possible organoleptic alterations. Finally, although the reaction conditions employed in this research do not resemble the inherent conditions in wine making processing or storing, or even during its consumption, this knowledge could be useful to prevent possible pro-oxidant effects and avoid detrimental effects in red wines. Reactions of photo-oxidation of ergosterol may be useful as detection method of singlet oxygen. Also, the method allows to evaluate several compounds or extracts derived from food and beverages with possible photosensitizing ability in generation of singlet oxygen.

Fundación Dialnet

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