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Resumen de Las preocupaciones en salud de las mujeres con osteoporosis; su satisfacción y adherencia al tratamiento

J. Ferrer, M. Fuentes, M. Grifols, Nuria Perulero, X. Badia

  • español

    Introducción El objetivo de este estudio ha sido conocer las preocupaciones en salud, la satisfacción con el tratamiento y la adherencia al mismo, en pacientes postmenopáusicas con osteoporosis. Pacientes y métodos Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico multicéntrico en mujeres postmenopáusicas con osteoporosis mayores de 50 años y que iniciaban tratamiento con raloxifeno en 126 centros de Atención Primaria de España. Se evaluaron preocupaciones en salud al inicio del estudio, y satisfacción y adherencia terapéutica a los 3 y 12 meses. Resultados Participaron 745 mujeres. En la visita basal el 58% se mostraron «bastante » o «muy» preocupadas por su salud en ese momento. La enfermedad que más preocupaba fue el cáncer (84,6%) y los problemas de salud que causaban más preocupación fueron perder memoria y/o lucidez (60%) y quedarse paralíticas (59%). El porcentaje de pacientes bastante-muy satisfechas con raloxifeno se mantuvo constante a lo largo del estudio (83%). La adherencia al tratamiento fue significativamente más alta en las pacientes con mayor satisfacción (p<0,05). Conclusiones La mitad de pacientes postmenopáusicas con osteoporosis refieren estar preocupadas por su salud actual. La satisfacción con el tratamiento con raloxifeno es alta y se mantiene estable a lo largo del estudio. Las pacientes satisfechas con el tratamiento muestran mayor adherencia terapéutica. Introduction The aim of this study was to determine health concerns, treatment satisfaction and therapeutic adherence in post menopausal patients with osteoporosis. Patients and methods An epidemiological, multicentre study was realized in women older than 50 years old with osteoporosis who had initiated treatment with raloxophine, in 126 Primary Care Centers in Spain. Health concerns were assessed at the beginning of the study and satisfaction and therapeutic adherence were both assessed at 3 and 12 months. Results 745 women participated in the study. At baseline visit 58% were assessed as being moderately or highly concerned about their current health state. Prevalent among concerns over prospective diseases was that over cancer (84.6%), and among concerns over prospective health problems were those over memory loss and/or lucidity (60%) and paralysis (59%). The percentage of patients moderately – highly satisfied with raloxophine remained constant throughout all study (83%). Therapeutic adherence was significantly higher in patients showing higher satisfaction (p<0.05). Conclusions Half of post menopausal patients with osteoporosis show concern over their current health state. Treatment satisfaction was high and remained stable throughout the study. Women satisfied with treatment show a higher therapeutic adherence.

  • English

    Introduction. The aim of this study was to determine health concerns, treatment satisfaction and therapeutic adherence in post menopausal patients with osteoporosis. Patients and methods. An epidemiological, multicentre study was realized in women older than 50 years old with osteoporosis who had initiated treatment with raloxophine, in 126 Primary Care Centers in Spain. Health concerns were assessed at the beginning of the study and satisfaction and therapeutic adherence were both assessed at 3 and 12 months. Results. 745 women participated in the study. At baseline visit 58% were assessed as being moderately or highly concerned about their current health state. Prevalent among concerns over prospective diseases was that over cancer (84.6%), and among concerns over prospective health problems were those over memory loss and/or lucidity (60%) and paralysis (59%). The percentage of patients moderately ­ highly satisfied with raloxophine remained constant throughout all study (83%). Therapeutic adherence was significantly higher in patients showing higher satisfaction (p<0.05). Conclusions. Half of post menopausal patients with osteoporosis show concern over their current health state. Treatment satisfaction was high and remained stable throughout the study. Women satisfied with treatment show a higher therapeutic adherence.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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