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Resumen de Efectos beneficiosos del paso de gluconato férrico a hierro sacarosa sobre la anemia en hemodiálisis.

J. Lacueva Moya, A. Antolín Cariñena, C. Santamaría, C. Vicent Bayarri

  • Introduction. The influence of the change from iron gluconate to iron sucrose for the treatment of anaemia in haemodyalisis patients is analysed regarding anaemia parameters, erithropoetin dosage, iron metabolism and economical consequences. Patients and methods. We studied 100 stable haemodialysis patients, treated with iron gluconate during more than three months; 63 males and 37 females, average age 66.10 ± 13.28 years and average dialysis time 56.82 ± 42.84 months. The following haematological and iron metabolism parameters were analysed: haemoglobin, hematocrit, ferritin, transferrin saturation index, erithropoetin dosage, iron dosage and cost of iron gluconate administration. The same parameters were analysed after 9 months of usage for iron sucrose. Results. The analytical values during the iron gluconate treatment period in relation with the iron sucrose period were: Haemoglobin 12.09 ± 1.16 vs 12.42 ± 0.94, hematocrit 36.26 ± 3.4 vs 38.38 ± 3.21, ferritin 368.8 ± 249.8 vs 719.4 ± 326.8 (p < 0.05), transferrin saturation index 35.67 ± 12.3 vs 46.98 ± 40.04 (p < 0.05), iron dosage (mg/month) 263.74 ± 789.29 vs 153 ± 202.73 (p < 0.05), erithropoietin dosage (U/kg/week)120 ± 75 vs 110 ± 78 and (U/week) 7,530 ± 4,613 vs 6,955 ± 4,771. The economical impact during the iron gluconate period in comparison to the iron sucrose period in euros currency was: erithropoetin/month 284.36 vs 262.64, erithropoetin/haemodialysis session 21.85 vs 20.20; iron/month 13.68 vs 18.39, iron/haemodialysis session 0.97 vs 1.41; total monthly expenditure (erithropoetin + iron) 297.04 vs 281.04, total expenditure/ haemodialysis session 22.85 vs 21.62. After 18 months, analytical values were the following: haemoglobin 12.47 ± 1.24, ferritin 526.4 ± 238.1, iron dosage (mg/month) 140.584.9, erithropoetin dosage (U/kg/week) 103 ± 72 and (U/week) 6.613 ± 4.590. Also, the economical cost in euro currency: erithropoetin/month 249.7, erithropoetin/haemodialysis session 19.2; iron/month 16.9, iron/haemodialysis session 1.3; total monthly expenditure (eritropoetin + iron) 266.6, total expenditure/ haemodialysis session 20.5. Conclusions. Iron sucrose has ameliorated iron metabolism and anaemia parameters and has diminished iron and erithropoetin consumption. Even though iron sucrose has a higher economical cost in comparison with iron gluconate, if we add erithropoetin to the total therapy cost, the economical impact on the total expenditure per haemodialysis session is diminished.

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