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Resumen de Multiculturalismo e escola pública

Elbio Miyahira

  • português

    Este artigo discute alguns conceitos teóricos sobre o multiculturalismo e analisa os resultados de um teste sociométrico aplicado em uma classe de uma escola estadual do ensino fundamental 2 de uma escola da cidade de São Paulo onde há a presença de um número considerável de estrangeiros e filhos de estrangeiros. Verifica-se a interação ou não dos alunos estrangeiros, filhos de estrangeiros e brasileiros e a postura da escola diante dessa situação multicultural.

  • English

    This article discusses the theoretical concepts of multiculturalism. It discusses the conceptual differences of multiculturalism as well as the dilemma that the current multicultural society poses to liberal multiculturalism by confronting the positive and negative aspects of freedom. It also discusses the possibility of the essentialization of culture and the internal homogenization of minority group members in political struggles. This article also analyzes the results of a sociometric test conducted in a class of a state elementary school in the city of São Paulo, where there is a considerable number of foreigners and children of foreigners. It analyses the interactions, or lack thereof, of foreign students, children of foreigners, and Brazilians, in addition to the school’s attitude toward this multicultural situation. This analysis of the interaction among the students occurs through sociometric tests in the areas of esthetics, socialization, and academics.

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