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Omega-3 gantz azidoak eta osasuna

  • Autores: Naroa Kajarabille García, Alfredo Fernández Quintela, María Puy Portillo Baquedano
  • Localización: Ekaia: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko zientzi eta teknologi aldizkaria, ISSN 0214-9001, Nº. 34, 2018, págs. 29-40
  • Idioma: euskera
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • Omega-3 fatty acids and health
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • euskara

      Kate luzeko omega-3 gantz-azido poliasegabeak, azido eikosapentaenoikoa (EPA) eta azido dokosahexaenoikoa (DHA) kasurako, kantitate handitan aurkitzen dira arrain koipetsuetan eta haietatik eratorritako arrain-olioan, zeina elikadura-osagarri gisa erabiltzen den (nutrazeutiko gisa, alegia). EPA zein DHA mintz zelularren fosfolipidoei gehitzen zaizkio, non lipooxigenasa eta ziklooxigenasa entzimen bidez jaria dai- tezkeen, eta zelula babesten duten hanturen kontrako produktuak eratu. Hainbat ikerketaren arabera, EPA eta DHA kontsumitzea baliagarria da zenbait gaixotasun ekiditeko edota haien tratamendurako, hantura-prozesuak eragindako gaixotasunetan bereziki. Hain zuzen ere, EPA eta DHAk hanturaren kontrako propietateak dituzte, bai erresolbina gisako hanturaren kontrako eragileak ekoiztuz, edota hantura eragileak blokeatuz. Ebidentzia zientifiko honen arabera, kate luzeko omega-3 gantz-azidoek zenbait aplikazio izan patologia kliniko edo nutrizional ezberdinen tratamenduan nahiz edota prebentzioan. Alabaina, gaur egun gantz-azido aseen kontsumoa zeharo hazi da, eta lipido onuragarrien kontsumoa, berriz, jaitsi egin da; era honetan, populazioaren atal handi batek omega-3 gantz-azidoen gabezia aurkezten du. Frogatu da egoera honek eragin handia duela endekapenezko gaixotasunen garapenean esaterako, gaixotasun kardiobaskularrak, minbizia, hantura-prozesuak eta bereziki ikusmenaren eta nerbio sistema zentralaren osasunean eta garapenean, non DHA kontzentrazio handiak dauden

    • English

      Omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LC-PUFA) eicosap-entaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are found in significant amounts in fatty fish and especially in the oil obtained from these species, which is actually used as a nutritional supplement (nutraceutical). After ingestion, both EPA and DHA are rapidly incorporated into cellular membrane phospholipids where they can be released by lipooxygenases and cyclooxygenases enzymes and transformed in powerful bioactive products which have cytoprotective and especially anti-inflamma-tory activities. Clinical and epidemiological evidence have firmly established that consumption of EPA and DHA may contribute to the prevention and/or treatment of a number of diseases, especially those where inflammation process plays a remarkable role in its development. EPA and DHA exhibit potent anti-inflammatory properties, either via the generation of anti-inflammatory products, such as resolvins, or by block-ing inflammatory agents. The evidence suggests that omega-3 LC-PUFA may have promising applications in the prevention and/or treatment of different clinical and nu-tritional pathologies. However, nowadays the consumption of foods rich in saturated fats has increased drastically to the detriment of healthy fatty acids, thus much of the population has a deficiency in omega-3 fatty acids. This has a great impact on the de-velopment of degenerative diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, processes with a strong inflammatory component, and especially on the development and health of the vision and central nervous system, where there is a high concentration of DHA in particular.

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