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Resumen de Panosteitis canina

M. Novales Durán, José María Molleda Carbonell, Rocío López Rodríguez, Pedro Jesús Ginel Pérez

  • español

    Se hace un análisis retrospectivo de 18 casos, atendiendo especialmente a los síntomas clínicos y radiológicos de la enfermedad. Todos los perros eran de razas de gran tamaño y el 97 % de ellos eran machos. La edad media de resentación fue de 8,8 meses. Los síntomas típicos son las cojeras de aparición brusca, en muchos casos alternantes, y el dolor a la palpación-presión sobre las diáfisis de los huesos largos. El signo radiológico fundamental es la esclerosis medular acompañada de forma inconstante por reacciones de proliferación del endostia, reacción perióstica de tipo liso y aumento del grosor cortical. * A retrospective analysis of 18 cases of canine panosteitis was made, with special emphasis on the clinical and radiological signs of the disease. All dogs diagnosed were of large breeds, and 97% were male. The mean age at the onset of disease was 8. 8 months. Typical symptoms included sudden, and in many cases shifting, lameness and pain on palpation of the diaphyses of the long bones. The primary radiological sign was marrow sclerosis accompanied, though inconsistently, by endosteal bone proliftration, smooth periosteal new bone jOrmation and cortical thickening.

  • English

    A retrospective analysis of 18 cases of canine panosteitis was made, with special emphasis on the clinical and radiological signs of the disease. All dogs diagnosed were of large breeds, and 97% were male. The mean age at the onset of disease was 8. 8 months. Typical symptoms included sudden, and in many cases shifting, lameness and pain on palpation of the diaphyses of the long bones. The primary radiological sign was marrow sclerosis accompanied, though inconsistently, by endosteal bone proliftration, smooth periosteal new bone jOrmation and cortical thickening.

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