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Resumen de Design and implementation of a LADM-based external archive data model for land registry and cadastre transactions in Turkey: A case study of municipality

Zeynel Abidin Polat, Mehmet Alkan

  • It is pointed out that even though Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) standards offers a conceptual scheme defining the legal and geometrical components of real estate, it is important to be compatible with other databases (e.g. with land cover data, archive data, land valuation data and taxation data) that may be related to the model. In the model, the archive data model, which is defined as one of the external data structures, provides a class structure in which the information and documents necessary for land registry and cadastral transactions are represented. According to this class structure, necessary information and documents are kept in archive. Thanks to this structure which enables follow-up of transactions, similar transactions are prevented from being repeated.

    The General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre (GDLRC) performs 25 different land registry and cadastral transactions. During these transactions, some documents (e.g. power of attorney, real estate value statement, building occupancy permit, authority certificate, etc.) are requested from various external institutions (e.g. Municipality, Notary, Governor's Office, Court, etc.). Considering the fact that 8 million transactions are made annually, approximately 20 million documents are manually controlled. The manual control of such an amount of documents can cause waste of time and paper and some forgery. There is a need for external data management in accordance with LADM that enables data sharing between institutions to check whether the documents requested from external institutions during the transactions have up-to-date and correct information content.

    This study focuses on the online management of the information and documents requested by the GDLRC from the Municipality during the land registry and cadastral transactions. In this context, an external data model for the management of relevant information and documents is proposed. A web-based application was developed to prove that the proposed model is feasible. The application made possible the online exchange and inquiry of information and documents in the digital environment. As a result, it has been observed that thanks to the application, the time for the transaction was shortened, no document in paper form was required as the documents were inquired in a digital environment and fraud was reduced.

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