Emakumezkoetan gernu-inkontinentzia (GI) sarritan agertzen den osasun-arazo bat da, haien bizikalitatea sendo asaldatzen duena; halere, lotsa edota informazio faltagatik ia erdiek ez dute kontsultatzen. Gernu-inkontinentzia mota ezberdinak daude eta horien artean bi dira nagusiak: premiazko gernu-inkontinentzia (PGI) eta estresagatiko gernu-inkontinentzia (EGI). Bai ginekologoak bai urologoak azter dezake arazo hau eta beharrezko ikerketa burutu ondoren tratamendu egokiena ezarri; hasteko teknika kontserbatzaileak erabiltzen dira, zeinak zoru pelbikoko muskuluen indartzean, gernu-maskuriaren heziketan edota eguneroko bizi-ohiturak aldatzean oinarritzen diren. Horiek porrot egiten badute, inkontinentzia motaren arabera tratamendu ezberdinak daude. PGIan tratamendu farmakologikoa erabil dezakegu, antimuskarinikoak edota beta 3 agonista adrenergikoak hain zuzen. EGIaren kasuan, ostera, kirurgiara joko dugu; badaude horretarako hainbat teknika, urteetan zehar hobetuz joan direnak, gaur egun erabiliena uretra azpiko xingolak direlarik, polipropilenozkoak. Xingolen eraginkortasun-tasa altua da, mota ezberdinak daude bakoitza bere berezitasunekin eta horiek ezagutzea ezinbestekoa da pazienteari aholku egokiena emateko. Beraz funtsezkoa da emakumeek jakin dezaten gernu-inkontinentzia ez dela zahartzearen ondorio normal bat eta badaudela horretarako konponbideak.
Urinary incontinence (UI) in women is a common health problem that strongly affects their quality of life. However, almost 50% of those affected do not seek care due to embarrassment or lack of information. The main types of urinary incontinence are urge urinary incontinence and stress incontinence. Incontinence can be treated by a gynecologist or urologist, both of whom are qualified to choose the most adequate treatment for each patient after a correct study. For treatment, we generally begin with conservative techniques, for example: pelvic floor muscle strengthening exercises, reeducation of urinary bladder or modification of daily lifestyle. If this treatment is not effective, there are different options depending on the type of incontinence. In the case of urge urinary incontinence, we apply pharmacologic treatment, with anti-muscarinic or beta agonist drugs.
On the other hand, for stress UI, we generally opt for surgery. A variety of different surgical techniques have evolved in recent years, with mid-urethral slings made from polypropylene being the most common option. The efficacy of surgery for stress UI is high; each sling type has different characteristics, so it is very important to be well informed about them in order to be able to give the best advice to the patient. It is fundamental for women to know that UI is not a normal consequence of age and that there are many solutions available for this health problem.
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