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Resumen de Imperialism and the English Language in Hong Kong

Joseph Boyle

  • The article considers whether the charge of linguistic imperialism can be appropriately levelled against the British government over the period of its colonial rule in Hong Kong.First,a theoreticalanalysis is made of the conceptof linguistic imperialism,using ideas elaborated by Kachru, Galtung and Phillipson. Key concepts in linguistic imperialism in its different phases are seen to be Compulsion, Manipulation and Covert Control. Secondly, selected landmarks in the history of the English language in Hong Kong are considered, particularly those which might have a bearing on the question of linguistic imperialism. Thirdly, the article applies the theory of the first part to the selected historical events of the second part and assesses how far the label of linguistic imperialism can justly be applied to the story of English in Hong Kong.

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