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Resumen de Overcoming the Hurdle from Undergraduate Lab to Research Lab: A Guided-Inquiry Structural Characterization of a Complex Mixture in the Upper-Division Undergraduate Organic Lab

Devin R. Latimer, Athar Ata, Christopher P. Forfar, Mustafa Kadhim, April McElrea, Ramon Sales

  • This guided-inquiry, upper-division undergraduate organic lab experiment, a hybrid of problem-based learning (PBL); process-oriented, guided-inquiry learning (POGIL); and peer-led team learning (PLTL) has been developed to ease the transition from the undergraduate lab to a research lab environment. The characterization of a mixture of camphor and p-coumaric acid involves a complex separation as well as thoughtful NMR experiments and solvent selection. Technique and problem-solving instruction (involving thin-layer and column chromatography as well as 1D [coupling constant analysis] and 2D [COSY, HSQC, and HMBC] NMR spectroscopy) has been simplified for the instructor by the development of videos, detailed notes, and assignment worksheets.

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