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Resumen de The effects of spanish civil war on spanish cinema: Cinema under the political pressure of two eternal enemies

Gizem Kutukcu

  • español

    Este artículo se centra en cómo se formó el cine español durante y después de la guerra civil española (1936-1939) por los dos bandos de la guerra: la izquierda y la derecha. En primer lugar, examina la lucha de poder entre dos bandos durante la guerra y su esfuerzo por hacer su propia propaganda. En segundo lugar trata de entender las nuevas reglas del cine bajo la dictadura de Franco. Luego discute los cambios de visión después de la muerte de Franco y por último, resume los efectos de la guerra civil en el cine español moderno de hoy. This article focuses on how the Spanish cinema was shaped during and after the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) by the two sides of the war: the political left and the political right. Firstly it examines the power struggle between two sides during the war and their effort to make their own propaganda. Secondly it tries to understand the new rules of the cinema under the dictatorship of Franco. Then it discusses the changes of vision after the death of Franco and lastly summarizes the effects of the war on the modern Spanish cinema of today. 

  • English

    This article focuses on how the Spanish cinema was shaped during and after the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) by the two sides of the war: the political left and the political right. Firstly it examines the power struggle between two sides during the war and their effort to make their own propaganda. Secondly it tries to understand the new rules of the cinema under the dictatorship of Franco. Then it discusses the changes of vision after the death of Franco and lastly summarizes the effects of the war on the modern Spanish cinema of today.

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