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Resumen de La familia como núcleo fundamental de la sociedad y el nuevo Acuerdo de paz FARC – Colombia; The family as the fundamental nucleus of society and the new FARC peace agreement - Colombia

José Fernando Valencia Grajales

  • español

    La construcción de la familia como un modelo cristiano ha predominado en la historia colombiana a pesar de los cambios constitucionales, legales, administrativos y jurisprudenciales y en contra de los grupos diversos, los LGBTI y las minorías religiosas. Por ello la protección de las nuevas formas familiares en Colombia no logra cumplir con las expectativas de los tratados internacionales que el Estado ha suscripto.; Summary: The construction of the family as a Christian model has predominated in Colombian history despite constitutional, legal, administrative and jurisprudential changes and against diverse groups, LGBTI and religious minorities. For this reason, the protection of new family forms in Colombia fails to meet the expectations of international treaties that the State has signed.

  • English

    The construction of the family as a Christian model has predominated in Colombian history despite constitutional, legal, administrative and jurisprudential changes and against diverse groups, LGBTI and religious minorities. For this reason, the protection of new family forms in Colombia fails to meet the expectations of international treaties that the State has signed.

    The aforementioned is due to historical-political-normative circumstances that have become a closed vision. But the previous perspective is added to the agreements reached with the FARC that have made it possible to see more clearly, not only a gender approach, but a social reality that is only possible as a result of the armed conflict.

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